8 Videos To Watch With Your Students Before Winter Break That Are Not Centered Around Christmas
Those last couple of days before winter break, teachers are scrambling looking for videos to show their students. All of the following...
Trauma Informed Schools
This school year, it will be more important than ever to focus on students’ social and emotional well being. Some of your students may be...
Space Unit: S.O.L.E. Research and STEM Centers
Kids love learning about space. In this blog post, I'll be sharing how my students engage in student led learning about space, STEM...
5 IDeas to Teach about Mexico
Mexico has such a beautiful, rich culture make sure you that you are not teaching stereotypes. Idea #1 Teach Misconceptions about Mexico...
Songkran Lesson Ideas
Teaching Songkran to students presents a wonderful opportunity to celebrate diversity, promote cultural understanding, and cultivate...
Loose Parts Masterpiece Center
Loose parts is my new favorite part of Provocation Centers. I call this The Masterpiece center and it is going to be a permanent center. ...
How I track for Standards Based Grading in Kindergarten
Tracking (gathering evidence) for Standards Based Grading can be overwhelming. So, I organized it in a way that I can easily grab a...
8 Ways to do Classroom Celebrations without Food or Toys
Celebrations (or rewards) are a great way to inspire students and build a classroom community. In my classroom, I love do celebrations...
Fairy Tale STEM Challenge | December Lesson Plan Ideas
Fairy Tales are a great December preschool theme or a December kindergarten theme. These STEM challenges will enhance your kindergarten...
October Provocation Centers | October STEM Challenges
What are Provocation Centers? Provocation centers is Reggio inspired learning through play. It provokes learning, questioning,...